Summer at home

I've shared just glimpses of our new home before and it still seems a full house tour is probably not going to happen very soon (if I suddenly grow as a person and start putting things where they belong, I'll definitely share and document this miraculous event here on the blog, too), so I decided to show you my new favourite spot.( Also, everyone appears to have peonies on their blog right now and I didn't want to feel left out.) I'm not usually this colourful at all, but it's nice to have bright colours and rag rugs (made by my grandmother) on the balcony because it feels like a tiny summer cottage. We're just taking it easy there, so the plants are barely alive (apart from the tomato that's thriving), old newspapers have moved in pretty permanently, and the table is usually covered in piles of books and puzzles and pens, but still everything is just the way it's supposed to be in our home.
It's eight o'clock and I hear trumpets from the esker right next to where we live. The same song at eight, every evening, every summer, since 1976. One of my favourite things here.