mixed media monday - my heart to you is given
My heart to you is given, Oh do give yours to me! We'll lock them up together, then throw away the key.
32x19x0,8cm / 12.6"x7.5"x0.3"
I have a soft spot for vintage sweethearts...
This note was tucked between the pages of an old photo album - I've been saving it for years, but this darling couple deserved it. Also the first of the London ruler lot made it to use in this piece.
The tags are from my grandfather's accumulations. They were all tightly wound around some hardware samples. Unpicking the knots took me a while.
for sale here
Thank you all for your lovely comments and emails and likes and pins and shares here, on instagram, twitter, and pinterest! The past week wasn't a particularly good one, so, all your support was especially welcome and appreciated. Love to you.