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looking back, mostly

So, who else is finding 2020 challenging? While I realize I really do have it good right here where I am in life, it’s been rough. Not one aspect in my life has been unaffected by this pandemia thing. For months I lost all interest in making books and art, and my shop truly suffered from the horrendous delays with USPS especially, but more locally also. Things are beginning to look better, though, but I’m still not happy to give any kind of estimates regarding delivery times. I have, however, added a few new books for sale, which means I’ve also made said new books! They had lain unfinished on my desk (that I abandoned for months) and they kept bugging me once I returned to my desk where I’ve now spent several weeks sewing as many face masks as I can stand. And as I can’t torture my neighbour with my sewing machine all night, there came a moment when I took to my bookbinding needles and finished the lot of Coptic bound journals, too. Finland was very late to recommend the use of face masks in crowded places, but now people are finally waking up to it, and I’m glad I can help reduce waste by sewing reusable masks. I’m not listing the masks on Etsy as I’m sure you’ll be able to find reusable masks locally as well, and it’s more eco friendly to shop for masks locally. I’d say shop for handmade books locally, too, but you won’t be finding books like mine locally (unless you actually live where I live).

The months I’ve spent avoiding unnecessary social contacts have made me even more of a hermit than usual. I’ve been unable to open up along with the society, which probably has also been a good thing. I’ve stayed healthy and almost finished writing my third poetry book (due out next spring!) . I’ve let people to help me when I needed help, and I’d like to believe I’ve gotten better at showing my appreciation, too. I’m still very stubborn and sensitive, though.

Way back in April, Elsa Mora invited me to take part in a special Art Yard project called the Order of Everyday Humans Distinguished Medals. I’ve made made-up medals before (like these medals of honor and medals of ennui), and making medals in honor of the people and things that helped me during my most extreme isolation last spring seemed like the perfect creative spring project.

The first one went to the Exceptionally Stylish Supplier of Cherry Products (and other lesser grocery goods) aka. my friend Taija who protected my asthmatic lungs during the pandemia by bringing me no-contact groceries. On my birthday she provided me with surprise cherry ice cream and cherry soda. We share a love for all things cherry-flavored as well as an impeccable sense of style.

The second one is a Life-time Achievement in Social Distancing, which went to my 20+ years of depression which have prepared me for dark times, seemingly endless social distancing and making the absolute best out of a bad situation. Thanks to depression, I’m doing better than most. (All this still applies in September…)

And the third and fourth one I made for you to give to someone who’s made a difference in your life (it can also be yourself). You can find them in my shop.

I’m trying to get back on track with my bookbinding routine, but will obviously need to take things slow so I don’t overwhelm myself. I’m aware I’ve updated my instagram more frequently than my blog and I plan to catch up here with at least the highlights, so please don’t feel too neglected - I do appreciate and love you. I’m still not taking custom orders (nor do I plan to take later on), but I’m definitely happy to hear you out if there’s a specific type of book you’d like to see for sale in the future! So, if you feel like getting in touch, you can leave a comment or email me directly. See you soon, I hope!