Friends with big smiles and even bigger hats
vintage photo, vintage ledger paper, pleated wax paper, recycled paper, linen thread, board, glue
6,5x7,6x1,5cm / 2.6"x3"x0.6"
This is a small collage box I made for C, who in return surprised me with a collection of tiny treasures she had collected from Thames:
The Meloids this tin used to hold would've probably done wonders for my rather mellow voice the following day, too. Luckily these bits and shards will delight me for a much longer time than any sweet. This is such a perfect collection I don't know if I'll ever be able to separate these things from each other; it's simply a very lovely pocket museum just as it is. (And indeed, what you see on the background is Liberty's fabric, not from a trip to London, though - it's just a simple cosy I made to keep my iPad safer in my handbag.) I've been yearning to go mudlarking myself but somehow my sensible travel shoes are never sensible enough for river mud and we don't have tides in Finland (or anything interesting to find even if we had), so it's yet to happen. I have a feeling it might be too addicting for me, though. Best steer clear from mudlarking, computer games and smoking.
Ever since we got back from London I've been craving scones, and I even baked a batch myself but it's not something I should turn into a habit. Why are unhealthy things always the most elegant ones? Ok, maybe scones aren't all that elegant, but to me they're an extremely rare treat. What is elegant is having your tea in the garden/woods like my great grandaunt Saima and her father, my great great grandfather, who most definitely looks like an artist:
For more +/- 100-year-old photos of Saima, other people and other places, do stop by at my other blog,
Emil's album.
This has been a very productive week, against all expectations. There's a huge lot of books in the works as I'm trying to prepare for the holiday season in time, for once, and there's also a handful of mixed media pieces waiting for blogging and listing on Etsy, so I can fairly safely promise a steady blog existence for the time being. It's probably foolish to be this proud about blogging regularly again but this is something I've really missed (and never realized I was missing until I got back to sharing my creations and thoughts with you). So, I promise I'll be here. It'd be great if you were, too, but no pressure, you know.